With all the hype around FF7 Rebirth's release, I got in the mode to play the original game. I've never played it before, but I've heard nothing but good thing. While I'm playing the PS4 version of the game, it's clearly a 20 year old game with a slight facelift.
Go West is an informative game about the landmarks of the Canadian Rockies. There's no gameplay to speak of that I saw, but it's a cool little passion project.
Rollerdrome is a game that's been in the backlog for a while but I've just never gotten around to playing it. It was recently released as a PS Plus game, and that gave me the motivation to try it.
Vanquish is a game that's been on my radar for a long, long time but I've never picked up or acquired in a bundle or anything. It was recently on sale on the Playstation Store, so I picked it up and gave it again.
I have really fond memories of playing the original Dragon Warrior Monsters game on Gameboy. I was always a Pokemon kid, but for some reason I had The Dragon Warrior game too and liked it almost as much. The game was a little less kid-friendly, but the monster designs were cool and the battling...
My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting.
My biggest project is my Game Library Project. I have a ton of games collected throughout the years, and have barely played any of them. Check out the linked post to learn more about the project, and click here to be taken to the category page where you can see all my posts for the project.
Other content comes mainly in 3 forms:
• Reviews, where I post longer-form writeups
• Thoughts, short & quick first impressions posts
• Guides, detailed how-tos and walkthroughs
Click the links to go to each category's page, filtered by newest post.