The Winged Histories review

November 4, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: reviews

The Winged Histories is a difficult book to review. Much like A Stranger in Olondria, it's full of gorgeous, dense prose. Prose that can often be too dense, and often led to me losing interest and nodding off.Undeniably well-written, I feel this is a book that's easier to appreciate than it is to actually enjoy. It's full of myth, reflecting on the past, and stream of consciousness. Only rarely do we get traditional straightforward storytelling, and it leads to a plot that's hard to follow and doesn't grab attention. I appreciate this book, and Samatar's got some of the most beautiful writing in the genre, but this one really just didn't grab me like Stranger in Olondria did.




My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting. 

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