The Ocean at the End of the Lane review

April 20, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: reviews

I don't normally get along with books classified under "magical realism". It feels like a term made up by authors and publishers who want to write and sell fantasy without getting the fantasy label. That said, while I don't have much familiarity with Neil Gaiman I did enjoy American Gods and Norse Mythology, so I went into this one with an open mind.

I definitely enjoyed The Ocean at the End of the Lane. It's beautifully written, and the English countryside setting is excellent - isolated away from the world, idyllic and at the same time a bit creepy. Gaiman invokes feelings of childhood incredibly well, he nails the sense of exploration and wonder and the hyperactive emotions that I think all children feel.

I do have a few problems with the novel. It definitely feels aimed at teens or precocious children, but there are some adult scenes that feel really shoehorned in, in particular an awkward and unnecessary sex scene. Had I read this as a kid, I think it would've scared the hell out of me. As an adult the horror aspect is missing for me, but I can still appreciate the themes and excellent prose on display here.




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