The Last Unicorn review

May 27, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: reviews

Beautifully written, but just not for me. It's rare that I don't find something to like in books that are universally regarded as classics, but this one just didn't grip me.

The Last Unicorn is definitely representative of the time it was written - you can tell in the first few pages that this isn't a modern fantasy. The immediate connection and head-first immersion common in modern genre fiction isn't there, and it takes quite a while to acclimate to the style. It's not bad, not by any means, but I had a much harder time getting into the story here than I did with Dune or Lord of the Rings or Earthsea, or going even further back, some of the Conan stories. Unfortunate, but not every book can be fort every person, despite how much I wanted to like this one.




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