Sand: Part One review

March 23, 2023 - Reading time: ~1 minute - Category: reviews

Sand is an episodic novel set in a post-apocalyptic United States that's covered entirely in several hundred meters of sand. Our man character, Palmer, makes his living as a diver - he delves into the sand to bring back relics of the old world.

It's an interesting enough premise, but unfortunately didn't grab me enough to continue with the story. The setting is relatively unique, as far as post-apocalypses go. I just didn't like any of the characters and was given no reason to be invested in them. The writing is decent, but teeters between a young adult tone and excessive swearing, and ends up coming across as juvenile.

Perhaps future parts of the novel improve or expand on the characters, but there are too many interesting books out there for me to spend time on one that doesn't grip me.




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