Kingdom Hearts Final Mix

March 13, 2023 - Reading time: 2 minutes - Category: game library project

Kingdom Hearts is one of the most iconic game series around, and I have a huge soft spot for it. I originally played it on the PS2, and back then it was a huge, mysterious game, full of worlds to explore and enemies to beat. The series has seen numerous sequels and spin offs since then, but the first and second games remain my favorite.

Kingdom Hearts blends Disney and Final Fantasy to tell a wholly originally story. I don't have a ton of experience with FF, but the Disney worlds have an absolute ton of charm. You play as Sora, an original character, and travel through various Disney and FF worlds and meet a ton of characters. Gameplay is a pretty standard hack and slash, and it's definitely a little clunky in this first game, but it's serviceable. The real winner here is the story and the sheer charm of it all. 

Kingdom Hearts is a legendary series, and the PS4 version is the best way to play this first game. Later entries get a bit silly with the story, but this first game is pretty grounded and is the best place to start.

Verdict: Finished

Part of the Game Library Project




My name's Mike, and this is the Lore Depository - my spot online where I can write out my thoughts on games, books, tech, history, and anything else I find interesting. 

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